Andian Specialist Fabrications adopt stringent in house quality practices; the key to our quality objective is quality people.
All staff are industry & product trained and all understand the exacting standards of quality and service demanded by our customers.
We use the latest manufacturing plant and equipment constantly reviewed and upgraded in line with our customers requirement.
Bespoke software and CAD package underpins our pre-manufacturing service offering our manufacturing facility timely and accurate information.
Raw material suppliers are chosen for their ability to supply the highest specification materials in to suit our customers JIT needs whilst provided the necessary supporting audit traceability where warranty may be required. Andian hold service level stock to ensure that our customers immediate requirements can be satisfied.
Sub contract suppliers are selected for their ability to match our service and quality requirements being an intricate part of our key partner network, these relationships established over a number of years fully fit our quality portfolio.
All manufactured components are subject to independent checks during the manufacturing process ensuring that goods are manufactured in line with customer specification, all sub contract process are subject to similar practice.
Transport – our transport partners selected for their ability value our and there for our customer / end user product complete our quality circle running from concept to delivery.
We are pleased that our customers are happy to provide feedback relating to our quality and service please refer to the testimonial section to study the reviews.